
A monograph: The architecture in Banja Luka during the austro-hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1878 and 1918

Oglasna ploča

Author: Miroslav Malinović

The main scope of this book is the thorough research, documentation, and discussion on the architecture and urban development in Banja Luka during the Austro-Hungarian rule between 1878 and 1918Work first presents a short overview of the past historical context and then gives the main accent to the architectural production and the urban development from 1878 to 1918. Regarding that, the most important buildings are valorised and described in a light of the past and present role in city life, with discussion over the comprehensive significance of mentioned period and its decisive course in the history of Banja Luka. Significant architects and utilized styles, mainly historicisms, secession and “Bosnian style” are depicted and related to actual buildings. Furthermore, later development phases and the importance of the period are briefly given along with highlighting main impacts on the development, overall.

[ISBN] 978-99955-752-5-0          [broj strana] 238           [godina izdanja] 2014


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