
PGT-OTG-GU - Underground buildings and tunnels

Course specification
Type of studyMaster academic studies
Study programme
Course titleUnderground buildings and tunnels
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesESPB
PGT-OTG-GUelective12П + 1В4.0
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
ConditionОблик условљености
The goal
Students should understand the techniques and principles of geotechnical design, observation, digging and soil stabilization. They need to identify and select appropriate methods for specific soil conditions, as well as types of underground projects.
The outcome
The student is able to make a geostatic calculation and selection of the supporting system, and to choose the optimal method of tunnel construction. He is able to participate in the phase of preparation of project documentation, as well as in all phases of construction of underground structures and tunnels.
Classification of rock masses. Stresses in the vicinity of underground openings. Mechanisms of rock mass fracture in the vicinity of underground openings. Analysis of instabilities resulting from structural properties of rock mass. Design of tunnel supports, when the stresses are higher than the strength of the rock mass. Mining in underground openings. Tunnel ventilation. Tunnel drainage and waterproofing. Use of underground spaces. Landfills for radioactive and other waste. Observations during tunnel construction
Methods of teaching
Classroom lectures and practical exercises. Preparation of annual tasks in consultation with an associate. Laboratory and field work.
  1. Brkljan I., Inženjerska mehanika stijena (digitalna verzija skripti), Građevinski fakultet u Rijeci, (Original title)
  2. Popović B., Tuneli, Građevinska knjiga, Beograd,1987 (Original title)
  3. Hudec M.,Kolić D., Hudec S., Tuneli, Zagreb, 2009., (Original title)
  4. Hoek, E.: Rock Engineering, A Course Notes, (Original title)
  5. . Hoek, E., Kaiser, P.K., Bawden, W.F., 1995., Support of Underground Excavations in Hard Rock, Balkeme, 215 p. (Original title)
Облици провјере знања и оцјењивање
The independent annual assignment is defended during the semester in terms of lectures, exercises or consultations. The condition for taking the colloquium is the defended annual task with the part of the material belonging to it. Students who do not pass the colloquia during the semester, take the integral part of the exam, scored by the total number of points of both colloquia. Each of the tests is considered successful if the student achieves a minimum of 51% of the points provided for the knowledge test. The table below shows the percentages that can be won for individual activities and knowledge tests
Посебна назнака
Услов за излазак на испит је урађен и одбрањен годишњии задатак. Уколико студент оствари више од 3 изостанка, обавезан је да поново упише предмет.