
GP - Geotechnical project

Course specification
Type of studyMaster academic studies
Study programme
Course titleGeotechnical project
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesESPB
GPelective23П + 2В7.0
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
ConditionОблик условљености
The goal
Acquisition of knowledge and skills for integrated geotechnical design of geotechnical structures
The outcome
Defining a geotechnical problem, planning geotechnical exploration works, analysis and interpretation of geotechnical exploration works, determination of characteristic geotechnical model of foundation soil, selection of relevant parameters for calculation based on exploration works, selection of appropriate design solution for given problem, analysis and evaluation of numerical modeling results, evaluation and verification of the selected solution for limit states of bearing capacity and usability, selection of execution technology for the selected project solution, preparation of the complete project (technical description, technical conditions, calculations, drawings, bill of quantities and estimate of works) of the selected project solution.
General principles and specifics of geotechnical and construction design. Overview of general regulations and general settings of Eurocode 7- Geotechnics (procedures for designing and proving the bearing capacity of mechanical resistance and stability. Eurocode 7- Geotechnics (limit states, geotechnical data). Eurocode 7- Geotechnics (characteristic geotechnical structures). Eurocode 7- Geotechnics) engineering) .Quality management and quality assurance in the realization of geotechnical structures.Programming of laboratory and field research works for typical cases.Display of research works, geotechnical models of foundation soil, selection of geotechnical relevant parameters.Variant technical solutions, selection of materials and construction technologies.Display of complex geotechnical construction.Discussion of projects.
Methods of teaching
Classroom lectures and practical exercises. Preparation of annual tasks in consultation with an associate. Laboratory and field work.
  1. . Evrokod 7 – Geotehnika (Original title)
  2. Tomlison,M.J.:Foundation Design and Construction, Longam Scientific and Technical,Harlow,1995 (Original title)
  3. Bowlwe,J.E.: Foundation Analysis and Design, McGraw Hill,NY,1982. (Original title)
  4. Geotechnical Engineering Handbook Vol 1 -3,Ed. U.Smolzyck,Ernst & sohn Verlag, Berlin 2002. (Original title)
  5. Technical Engineering andDesign Guides adapted from the US Army Corps of Enineers,ASCE (Original title)
Облици провјере знања и оцјењивање
The independent annual assignment is defended during the semester in terms of lectures, exercises or consultations. The condition for taking the colloquium is the defended annual task with the part of the material belonging to it. Students who do not pass the colloquia during the semester, take the integral part of the exam, scored by the total number of points of both colloquia. Each of the tests is considered successful if the student achieves a minimum of 51% of the points provided for the knowledge test. The table below shows the percentages that can be won for individual activities and knowledge tests.
Посебна назнака
Услов за излазак на испит је урађен и одбрањен годишњии задатак. Уколико студент оствари више од 3 изостанка, обавезан је да поново упише предмет.