
BKIO - Concrete structures of engineering structures

Course specification
Type of studyMaster academic studies
Study programme
Course titleConcrete structures of engineering structures
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesESPB
BKIOelective23П + 2В7.0
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
ConditionОблик условљености
The goal
Enabling students to work on the design, construction and maintenance of concrete structures of engineering structures for various purposes.
The outcome
Knowledge of structural systems and their properties in order to optimally apply in the design of concrete structures of various engineering structures.
Specifics of design and construction of engineering facilities. Classifications of engineering structures. Rectangular and circular tanks and water towers (purpose, classification, technological aspects, foundation, calculation, construction and shaping of details, construction). Pipes (purpose, classification, requirements of functionality and durability, application in regional water supply and sewerage collectors, calculation, details and execution). Silos and bunkers (purpose, technological aspects, loads from stored material, foundation, calculation, construction and design of details and execution). Cooling towers (purpose, technological aspects, calculation, construction and design of details, foundation and construction). Power line poles (classification, analysis, construction and specifics of funding). Chimneys (purpose, types, analysis for wind and seismic force, shaping details, foundation and construction). Antenna and TV towers (purpose, functional requirements, effects and effects of structural deformation, calculation, details, foundation and construction). Shelters (purpose, functional requirements, loads and actions, calculation, details and performance). Retaining walls and diaphragms (purpose, types, loads and actions, calculation, details and execution).
Methods of teaching
Classroom lectures, practical exercises, other forms of teaching and consultations. Development of semester and practical assignments in the subject area in consultation with an associate or associates in class. Independent work of the student, with occasional consultations with the teacher or associate, which are not in the term of practice.
  1. 1. Radosavljević, Ž., Bajić, D., Armirani beton 3, Građevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1988 (Original title)
  2. 2. Tomičić, I., Betonske konstrukcije, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1996. (Original title)
  3. 3. Priručnik za primenu PBAB87, Jugoslovensko društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija, Savez društava građevinskih konstruktera Jugoslavije, Beograd, 1989 (Original title)
  4. 4. J.Radić i suradnici, Betonske konstrukcije- Priručnik, Andris 2006 (Original title)
  5. 5. J.Radić i suradnici, Betonske konstrukcije- Primjeri, Andris 2006. (Original title)
Облици провјере знања и оцјењивање
The condition for obtaining a signature is a completed semester assignment. Knowledge tests are performed in written and oral form. Written tests are performed through 2 colloquia that are held during the semester (middle and end), and oral examination is performed after successful completion of the previously stated program obligations. If a student does not pass one of the colloquia during the semester must take both colloquia in terms of regular exam deadlines. All knowledge tests are considered passed if the candidate earns 51% or more of the points provided by the program for each knowledge test.
Посебна назнака
Предмет је изборни и предаје се само на Конструктивном усмјерењу. Наставне јединице које студент слуша и полаже се формирају у складу са потребним компетенцијама уписаног усмјерења