
OGD09GRM - Geodetic reference frames

Course specification
Type of studyBachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course titleGeodetic reference frames
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesESPB
OGD09GRMmandatory82П + 1В4.0
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
ConditionОблик условљености
Theoretical geodesy, Physical geodesy, Satellite geodesy, Practical classes in geodesy.Passed classes for attending classes, passed exams for taking the final exam.
The goal
Introducing students to the theory, principles and methods of developing geodetic reference frames. The goal is for students to master the topics related to the essential problem of geodesy - the reduction of measured values from the physical surface of the Earth to the computational surfaces.
The outcome
Students have mastered the basic problem in geodesy - the reduction of measurements from the physical to the computational surface. They are trained to be able to independently perform all the necessary calculations required for the design of any type of geodetic network, as well as for the calculation of reduction parameters and proper processing of measurement results.
Theoretical classes: Subject, goals and tasks of geodetic reference frames. Reference systems and geodetic datum. Principles of development of geodetic reference frames. Height systems. Vertical datum and datum positioning. Height networks. Shape, accuracy and reliability testing, analysis and detailed elaboration of measurement methods. Measurement and processing of measurement results in height networks. Horizontal datum and datum positioning. Horizontal networks. Shape, accuracy and reliability testing, analysis and detailed elaboration of measurement methods. Measurement and processing of measurement results in horizontal networks. Three-dimensional networks. Shape, accuracy and reliability testing, analysis and detailed elaboration of measurement methods. Measurement and processing of measurement results in three-dimensional networks. Geodetic networks for the purpose of monitoring global geodynamic processes - basic principles. Practical classes: Exercises: Leveling network design - reliability and accuracy testing, preliminary accuracy estimation and detailed elaboration of measurement methods. Height systems - calculation of height differences in individual height systems, calculation of accuracy. Estimation of accuracy from performed measurements. Datum transformation. Horizontal network design - reliability and accuracy testing, preliminary accuracy estimation and detailed elaboration of measurement methods. Estimation of accuracy from performed measurements.
Methods of teaching
Theoretical lectures and practical exercises.
  1. P. Vaniček, E. Krakivsky: Geodesy, the concepts, Serbian geodetic association, 2005.
  2. Heiskanen, W., Moritz, H: Physical geodesy, Faculty of Civil engineering, University of Belgrade, 2000.
  3. Written lectures
Облици провјере знања и оцјењивање
Class attendance Exercises Colloquium Final exam
Посебна назнака