

Course specification
Type of studyBachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course titleСТУДИО ПРОЈЕКАТ 4 - Ансамбл
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesESPB
OA19SP4mandatory44П + 5В10.0
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
ConditionОблик условљености
СП 1,2,3positively graded graphic work
The goal
The main goal of the course is to guide the student through a complex methodology of thinking and designing the architectural and urban composition of the ensemble, at the level of a mixed city block, which primarily involves designing a conceptual architectural solution of a multifamily housing complex with additional functions complementary housing, in accordance with natural, social subject locations.
The outcome
After successfully mastering the study program, students will be able to independently create a project at the level of the conceptual urban-architectural solution of a multi-family housing facility with ground-floor landscaping and distribution of complementary content and furniture.
The focus is on getting acquainted with the process of designing multi-family housing facilities and their complementary functions, in order to create an IDEAL urban-architectural solution of a multi-family housing facility in an ensemble, with parterre-landscape arrangement of the block and distribution of complementary contents and furniture.
Methods of teaching
Interactive teaching process through lectures, art workshops, exercises, consultations and fieldwork.
Облици провјере знања и оцјењивање
The conditions for submitting the final study are: regular attendance at lectures, exercises and done all phases of the graphic task according to the phases of the schedule. Passed Studio project 4-ensemble implies a positively graded graphic work and passed the final exam.
Посебна назнака
Од студента се очекује редовно похађање свих сегмената наставе и активно учествовање у дискусијама, презентацијама сегмената графичког рада кроз интензиван лични ауторски допринос у разради пројекта.