
MA08EOG - Energy efficient and sustainable construction

Course specification
Type of studyMaster academic studies
Study programme
Course titleEnergy efficient and sustainable construction
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesESPB
MA08EOGelective12П + 5В9.0
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
    ConditionОблик условљености
    The goal
    The main goal of the course is for the student to acquire basic knowledge in the field of energy efficiency in buildings through urbanism, architecture, construction and physics that are relevant for sustainable and energy efficient construction of buildings. More precisely, the aim of the course is for students to master the calculation and preparation of energy efficiency studies in buildings.
    The outcome
    Students will master the necessary knowledge in various fields related to energy efficiency in buildings and will be able to prepare a study on thermal protection and rational use of energy, which is an integral part of the technical documentation of the main project and serves to prepare the Energy Inspection Report. Students will also be introduced to how to use hardware and software technologies in the analysis of energy efficiency of buildings. Students will master the requirements of energy efficient and sustainable design, to make the building more durable and to be environmentally friendly by its exploitation / use.
    The concept and principles of energy efficient construction. - Low energy and passive standards, experiences of the EU and neighboring countries. - Heat transfer. Water vapor diffusion and condensation. Lighting in buildings. - Parameters of comfort and energy efficiency of the casing. - Energy balance of the facility. - The concept of energy audits and certification of buildings. - Energy efficiency measures in buildings. - Examples of successful practice in the world and the environment. - Software packages.
    Methods of teaching
    Lectures, interactive classes and exercises - preparation of seminar papers and studies, consultations. Learning and independent preparation of seminar paper and study.
    1. Williams, W., Shield K. and Dinter S., Construction Physics - Handbook, Part 1, Belgrade: Građevinska knjiga, 2006.
    2. Passive House Planning Package 2007 - PHPP 2007, Requirements for Quality Approved Passive House, Darmstadt, July 2008. (Original title)
    3. Habermann, K.J. and Gonzalo R., Energy-Efficient Architecture, Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhäuser, 2006. (Original title)
    4. Hegger, M., Fuchs M., Stark T. and Zeumer M., Energy Manual: sustainable architecture, Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhäuser, 2008. (Original title)
    5. Stanković, M. Iskustva graditelja- Harmonija i konflikti u prostoru, Banjaluka: Arhitektonsko-građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci, 2007. (Original title)
    Облици провјере знања и оцјењивање
    - Seminar paper and study, including teaching activity, are evaluated with a maximum of 50 points; - The exam is graded with a maximum of 50 points; - A passing grade is obtained if cumulatively collects 51 points - attendance continues at least 80%, graphic works with a threshold of 25.5 points from seminar papers and studies (51% of a total of 50 points) and an exam with a threshold of 25.5 points 51% of a total of 50 points); - A student who unjustifiably misses more than 20% of classes and who does not win a minimum of 25.5 points in the exercises, must resume listening to the course.
    Посебна назнака
    Вјежбе се одвијају по групама. Прије почетка сваких вјежби студентима се доставља детаљно разрађен програм за семинарски рад и елаборат, садржај елабората, те услови и рокови за пријем семинарског рада и елабората.