
KVS - Hydropower engineering

Course specification
Type of studyMaster academic studies
Study programme
Course titleHydropower engineering
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesESPB
KVSmandatory13П + 1В7.0
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
ConditionОблик условљености
The goal
Introducing students to the basic types and characteristics of HPPs and their role in the power system. Introduction to turbine types, aggregate assemblies and their characteristics. Consideration of the basic elements of water intake structures, derivations and machine buildings. Consideration of the role in power system, types and facilities of reversible hydropower plants.
The outcome
Enabling students to apply the acquired knowledge about the design of hydropower systems (derivation and dam systems) in design practice.
Water power within complex energy systems. Physical bases of water power utilization. Types of HPPs and classification of solutions. Hydropower potentials. Power characteristics of HPP. Power system characteristics. Economic characteristics of HPPs. Evaluation and optimal sizing of HPPs. Reservoirs and flow regulation. Division of turbines. Types of turbines (Pelton, Francis, Kaplan, propeller, diagonal, tubular turbines). Working processes in turbines. Inlet and outlet elements of the turbine block (spiral, diffuser). Cavitation problem. Hydrogenerators. Selection of aggregate type and parameters. Valves system: surface and deep valves, water intake entrance valves, surge tank valves, pre-turbine valves, diffuser valves. Water intake structures in the reservoirs. River water intake structures. Channel derivations. Derivation tunnels. Pipelines. Nonstationary phenomena in pressure derivatives. Surge tanks. Nonstationary phenomena in canal derivations. Special structures in hydropower plants (sedimentation tanks, fish facilities). Machine buildings (MB) - disposition and construction solutions. Basic contents of MB. Height position of MB. Machine halls. Accompanying devices and systems in MB. MB stability. MB connection with downstream water.
Methods of teaching
Theoretical classes are conducted in class through lectures with the help of presentation technology. Practical classes are conducted auditory through the explanation of individual methodological units (parts of the assignment) and through the independent work of students in the preparation of the obtained task (assignment) in consultation with the teacher.
  1. B. Đorđević, Hidoenergetsko korišćenje voda, Građevinski fakultet, Beograd, 2001 (Original title)
  2. B. Đorđević, Korišćenje vodnih snaga - Objekti hidroelektrana, Naučna knjiga i GRF, 1989 (Original title)
  3. T. Dašić i B. Đorđević, Hidroenergetika - kroz rešavanje konkretnih problema, GRF, 2009 (Original title)
Облици провјере знања и оцјењивање
Attendance to classes (required) - 5 points Assignment - 25 points Written part of the exam - 30 points Oral part of the exam - 40 points