
IUVR-URKD - Integrated water resources management

Course specification
Type of studyMaster academic studies
Study programme
Course titleIntegrated water resources management
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesESPB
IUVR-URKDelective22П + 1В4.0
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
ConditionОблик условљености
The goal
Acquiring knowledge about the complexity and multidisciplinary of integrated water management issues. Development of a methodological approach in planning integrated management solutions. Enabling students to solve tasks in the field of planning and management of water resources. Introducing students to the ways of defining water management systems, defining their goals, criteria and limitations. Systematization of models for optimization and management of these systems. Getting acquainted with the basic planning and legal documents that regulate the considered issues. Analysis of the impact of water management systems on the ecological and social environment.
The outcome
Acquired knowledge: integrated water resources management, identification, formulation, analysis and problem solving in integrated water resources management, critical use of models and principles of integrated water management, practical application of modeling tools for integrated water resources management. The ability of students to apply the acquired knowledge about the sizing of reservoirs, determining the reliability and optimal management of simpler water management systems in design practice.
Stages of development of water management systems (WS). Features of WS. Formalization of water management systems and planning tasks. Functional description of WS. Target structures. Criteria in planning tasks. Restrictions. Conflict of goals. Mathematical formalization of a management task. Management of complex aircraft. Entropy as a measure of uncertainty. Mathematical modeling in management tasks. Simulation models. WS optimization. The decision-making process. Reliability of complex aircraft. Planning and legal documents regulating the field of water management (Law on Waters, Water Management Basis, etc.). WS and ecological environment. Water management systems and sociological environment. Development of examples of dimensioning of useful and total volume of accumulation. Mathematical modeling of complex water management systems. Decomposition of systems of accumulations. Determination of optimal WS parameters using linear and dynamic programming. Creating tasks from the entropy and reliability of complex systems.
Methods of teaching
Classroom lectures with the help of presentation technology. Exercises begin with an introduction to the way of solving practical tasks that accompany lectures, then students independently create tasks in consultation with the teacher.
  1. B. Đorđević: Vodoprivredni sistemi, Građevinski fakultet, Beograd, 1990 (Original title)
  2. S. Opricović: Optimizacija sistema – Zadaci iz vodoprivrede i hidrotehnike, Građevinski fakultet, Beograd, 1995. (Original title)
Облици провјере знања и оцјењивање
Attendance to classes (required) - 5 points Making a calculation task - 25 points Written part of the exam - 30 points Oral part of the exam - 40 points