
DG20RNAK - Nonlinear analysis of structures

Course specification
Type of studyDoctoral studies
Study programme
Course titleNonlinear analysis of structures
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesESPB
DG20RNAKelective24П + В10.0
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
    ConditionОблик условљености
    The goal
    To understand fundamental mathematical and mechanical formulations of the nonlinear structural analysis.
    The outcome
    Student is able to independently create and analyze geometrically and materially nonlinear models of continua and structures.
    Introduction to the nonlinear analysis. Sources of nonlinear behavior of structures. Lagrange and Euler description of displacement. Lagrangian finite one-dimensional elements - description of deformation and stress fields. Geometric nonlinearity of structures - Total Langrangian and Updated Langrangian. Formulation of geometrically nonlinear problems - nonlinear analysis of beams and shells. Bifurcation stability of beams and shells. Procedures for solving nonlinear equations (Newton-Rapson, modified Newton-Rapson, Arc length method). Review of models for the analysis of material nonlinearity (nonlinear elasticity, one - dimensional plasticity, multiaxial plasticity, viscoelasticity ...). Solution procedures and stability of a solution.
    Methods of teaching
    Auditory lectures and individual work with students
    1. K.J. Bathe, „Finite Element Procedures”, Prentice-Hall, 1996 (Original title)
    2. T. Belytschko,W.K. Liu, B. Moran, „Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures”,Wiley, 2000 (Original title)
    3. M.A. Crisfield, „Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of solids and Structires”,Wiley, 1991 (Original title)
    4. J. Jarić, „Mehanika kontinuuma”, Građevinska knjiga, 1988 (Original title)
    5. G. Radenković, „Konačne rotacije i deformacije u izogeometrijskoj teoriji nosača”, Univerzitet u Beogradu-Arhitektonski fakultet, 2017 (Original title)
    Облици провјере знања и оцјењивање
    Calculation and defence of the semestral assignment (50%) Oral exam (50%)
    Посебна назнака
    Предмет се може изводити на енглеском језику.