
OGH07RR - River engineering

Course specification
Type of studyBachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course titleRiver engineering
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesESPB
OGH07RRmandatory72П + 2В5.0
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
ConditionОблик условљености
Hydraulics and Hydrologypassed exam
The goal
Introduction to the basics of river morphology and hydraulics, principles of watercourse engineering, mastering the methods of designing regulatory works and regulatory structures, introduction to flood protection methods.
The outcome
Ability to independently make studies of watercourse management and design of river regulation structures.
Geomorphological characteristics of natural watercourses. Mode of presentation (situational plan, longitudinal profile, transverse profiles). River morphology. Shapes of riverbeds in plan, variability of longitudinal and transverse profile. River bottom configuration, alluvial forms and alluvial resistances. Hydrological characteristics of natural flows. Flow characteristics in natural flows. Hydraulic analysis of natural flows. Basic equations and simplifications in practice. Examples of 1D and 2D hydraulic calculations. Secondary currents. Physical models. River sediment - basic concepts, physical properties and factors that affect the sediment regime. Drawing, suspended and total sediment transport calculation methods. General and local trough deformation. Principles of determining regulatory elements. Classical and natural regulation. Division of regulatory buildings. Longitudinal control structures: types, position, structural elements, method of execution. Transverse control structures: types, position, structural elements, method of execution. Protection of bridges and culverts. Backfilling of reservoirs. Water regime regulation facilities. Anti-erosion basin management and torrent management facilities. Excavating. Causes of floods. Characteristics of large waters on alluvial and torrential watercourses. Flood damage. Flood risk. Active and passive flood defense. Integrated flood risk management strategy. Investment and non-investment flood protection measures.
Methods of teaching
Classroom lectures with the help of presentation technology. Methodological units are accompanied by appropriate descriptive or computational examples or real-life examples from practice. Exercise classes begin with short explanations, and then students do individual tasks independently in consultation with the subject teacher. Licensed software is used to create individual exercises.
Облици провјере знања и оцјењивање
Attendance to classes (required) - 5 points Seminar paper - 10 points Annual assignments - 30 points Test - 20 points Written exam - 35 points
Посебна назнака
Услов за завршни испит се стиче одбрањеним семинарским радом, завршеним и одбрањеним елаборатом и присуством на настави.