
OA19SP9 - Design Studio 9-Hybrid architecture

Course specification
Type of studyBachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course titleDesign Studio 9-Hybrid architecture
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesESPB
OA19SP9mandatory74П + 5В10.0
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
ConditionОблик условљености
Design Studio 7Positively evaluated graphic work СП7
The goal
The lectures and exercises aim to integrate and provide an integrated perspective on architectural and urban activities through the role of the architect - balancing the "laws" of the market and the principles of the profession - in order to produce good architecture and respond to market demands. Using examples from local and global architecture, historical and contemporary cases, this subject explores the duality of the profession. The focus of studying hybrid architecture is on the idea of multifunctionality/functions of architectural and urban spaces, as opposed to monofunctionality. In contrast to typological studies of architecture, this subject encourages thinking beyond so-called functionalist architecture, exploring and designing based on the principle of combining multiple functions of architecture. As a result, these hybrid programs harness the complexity of an architect's skills to design spaces that, in synthesis, significantly enhance each other.
The outcome
The method of work on the subject is practical and project-oriented with the aim of producing conceptual urban-architectural projects or solutions with architectural details. Students are trained in independent work and thinking on the project in complex spatial and programmatic contexts.
Introduction to the typological approach to the study of architectural activities. Studying complex typologies of public buildings. Understanding the functions of architecture and program in architecture. Spatial economy: space quality. Studying "hybrid" examples in architecture and urbanism. Designing "hybrids" in space.
Methods of teaching
Lectures, exercises (creating graphic work according to the project task), HYBRID workshops, consultations, and exams.
  1. This is a Hybrid, An analyses of mix-use buildings by a+t, Steven Holl, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2011 (Original title)
  2. Milenković, V. Arhitektonska forma i multi-funkcija, Zadužbina Andrejević, Beograd, 2004. (Original title)
  3. Bernard Tschumi: Architecture concepts, Red is not a color, Rizzoli, 2012 (Original title)
Облици провјере знања и оцјењивање
pre-exam + graphic work 90 points; exam 10 points.
Посебна назнака
Право изласка на испит имају само студенти са позитивно оцјењеним графичким радом и више од пола поена остварених предиспитним обавезама, Сви студенти који немају горе наведене услове дужни су да поново похађају предмет.