
OA19FZ - Building Physics

Course specification
Type of studyBachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course titleBuilding Physics
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesESPB
OA19FZmandatory22П + 2В4.0
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
ConditionОблик условљености
The goal
The purpose and objective of the course is to introduce students to the basic physical phenomena and laws necessary for designing buildings that meet the needs of efficiency, usability, long life and comfort. The course deals with transport of heat and moisture as well as sound.
The outcome
Learning outcomes of the course is the establishing and acquisition of basic physical phenomena and laws necessary for designing buildings that meet the needs of efficiency, usability, long life and comfort. The course deals with transport of heat and moisture as well as sound.
Introduction to the building physics. The importance of building physics. Basic physical quantities of heat transfer phenomena. Temperature field and temperature gradient. Fourier law of heat conduction. Stationary heat conduction through single flat wall. Stationary heat conduction through multilayer flat wall. Convection. Newton's law of convection. Heat transfer between the wall and the fluid. Heat transfer by radiation. Laws of radiation. Building heat losses. Thermal bridges. Thermography. Thermal comfort. Air humidity. Types of penetration of moisture in the building: adsorption, diffusion, capillary phenomena. Fick's law of diffusion. The application of Fick's law on single- and multi-layer flat wall. Condensation of water vapor. The effect of moisture on building elements. Protection of buildings from moisture. Physical Acoustics. Basic characteristics of sound. The sound field. The power of the sound source. The intensity and sound intensity level. Physiological and psychological acoustics. Loudness. Room acoustics. Absorption of sound. The average intensity of sound. Reverberation time. Sound absorbers. Diffusivity of the room. Noise and protection from noise. Acoustic insulation of rooms.
Methods of teaching
Lectures, exercises and consultations.
  1. B. Antunović, Building physics, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, 2014.
  2. B. Antunović, Selected Chapters of Physics with Building physics, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, 2021.
  3. V. Georgijević, Technical Physics - selected chapters, University in Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2008.
  4. W. Willems, K. Schild, S. Dinter, Building Physics - Handbook Part I and Part II, Springer Vieweg, 2013
  5. M. Rekalić, V. Georgijević, Handbook of Technical Physics, Naučna knjiga, Belgrade, 1996.
Облици провјере знања и оцјењивање
Written exam (Test 1 + Test 2) = 60 points Final oral exam = 40 points
Посебна назнака
Студенти су обавезни да присуствују настави и да раде све провјере знања (тестове). Студенти који први пут слушају предмет морају остварити најмање 80 % присуства настави, како би стекли право изласка на завршни испит. На сваком тесту студенти су дужни да остваре минимум од 51% освојених бодова, како би стекли право изласка на завршни испит. Тестови се одржавају у току семестра, а њихови поправни у испитним роковима. Завршни испит се одржава у оквиру испитних рокова.