
OG07GRF - Civil Engineering Physics

Course specification
Type of studyBachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course titleCivil Engineering Physics
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesESPB
OG07GRFmandatory23П + 3В7.0
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
ConditionОблик условљености
The goal
The purpose and aim of the course is establishing and acquisition of fundamental knowledge relevant to Civil Engineering Physics (physical phenomena, laws, and quantities).
The outcome
Learning outcomes of the course is the establishing and acquisition of fundamental knowledge in physics necessary for the subsequent adoption of the content of specialized courses in civil engineering as well as to prepare students for independent solving of problems in building physics.
Physics and measurements. Temperature and zeroth law of thermodynamics. Thermal expansion and stress. Macroscopic model of an ideal gas. Real gas. Phase equilibrium and phase transitions. Thermodynamic quantities and the first law of thermodynamics. Work in thermodynamic processes. The second law of thermodynamics. Free oscillations. Mathematical and physical pendulum. Damped oscillations. Forced oscillations. Resonance. Mechanical waves. Characteristics. Wave equation and wave function. Wave propagation speed. Wave energy and intensity. Wave interference. Wave repulsion. Doppler effect. Characteristics of electromagnetic waves. Interference, diffraction and polarization of light. Sound. Sound characteristics. Sound pressure, intensity and sound level. Sound perception. Room acoustics. Sound transmission through partition walls. Noise. Heat transfer.Conduction. Convection. Radiation. Heat transfer through the structure. Humidity parameters. Water vapor diffusion. Condensation inside and on the surface of a building structure element. Light sources. Basic photometric quantities. Daylight.
Methods of teaching
Lectures, exercises, consultations.
  1. B. Antunović, Selected Chapters of Physics with Building physics, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, 2021.
  2. B. Antunović, Building physics, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, 2014
  3. V. Georgijević, Technical Physics - selected chapters, University in Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2008.
  4. M. Rekalić, V. Georgijević, Handbook of Technical Physics, Naučna knjiga, Belgrade, 1996.
  5. D.Halliday, R. Resnik, J. Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, John Wiley & SonsWiley, 2008.
Облици провјере знања и оцјењивање
Written exam (Test 1 + Test 2+ Test 3) = 60 points Final oral exam = 40 points
Посебна назнака
Студенти су обавезни да присуствују настави и да раде све провјере знања (тестове). Студенти који први пут слушају предмет морају остварити најмање 80 % присуства настави, како би стекли право изласка на завршни испит. На сваком тесту студенти су дужни да остваре минимум од 51% освојених бодова, како би стекли право изласка на завршни испит. Тестови се одржавају у току семестра, а њихови поправни у испитним роковима. Завршни испит се одржава у оквиру испитних рокова.