
OGS07KK - Pavement structures

Course specification
Type of studyBachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course titlePavement structures
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesESPB
OGS07KKmandatory82П + 2В5.0
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
ConditionОблик условљености
Requirement for taking the exam: Roads, Substructure of traffic infrastructurepassed exams
The goal
Acquiring basic knowledge of the role of pavement structures. Types of pavement structures and construction materials. Technology of construction of pavement structures. Acquiring knowledge on design, construction, maintenance and management of road construction.
The outcome
Upon completion of the program, the student is ready to make an optimal solution for the pavement construction, taking into account the ranking of the road (traffic load), as well as the climatic conditions in which the road is realized. Readiness is reflected both in the design and realization of new roads, as well as in the analysis of the condition and necessary measures (rehabilitation, reconstruction) of existing roads.
General terms. A historical overview of road construction with a focus on the development of pavement structures. Division by type of material. Influence factors in design. Traffic load. Budgeting methods. Climate and natural environment. Subgrade. Natural materials. Stabilization of layers of pavement structure. Materials. Cement, water, bitumen, emulsion, stone flour, aggregate. Asphalt pavement curtain and concrete pavement curtain (dimensioning, factors, methods). Loadable layers of pavement structure. Lower and upper bearing layer. Materials. Construction of load-bearing layers. Bonding layer and wearing layer. Types of asphalt concrete. Quality criteria. Properties of derived layers. Designing the composition of asphalt mixtures. Plants for the production of asphalt mixtures. Production of asphalt mixtures by hot method. Installation of asphalt mixtures. Asphalt mixtures by cold process. Surface treatment of carriageway. Asphalt paving on macadam principle. Asphalt mastics. Sampling of asphalt mixtures and methods of asphalt testing. Protection of pavement structures from harmful effects of frost. Assessment of the condition of pavement structures. Designing reconstruction and reinforcement of pavement structures. Types of maintenance of pavement structures. Types of damage. Repair procedures for pavement structures. Special machines for construction and maintenance of pavement structures. Management of pavement structures. Management models: HDM 4, dTIMS / VIAPMS.
Methods of teaching
lectures, exercises, laboratory exercises, consultations
  1. Babić, B., Projektiranje kolničkih konstrukcija, Fakultet građevinskih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 1997. (Original title)
  2. Subotić, P., Priručnik za asfalt, Institut za puteve, Beograd, 2002. (Original title)
  3. Cvetanović, A., Banić, B., Kolovozne konstrukcije, Akademska misao, Beograd, 2007. (Original title)
  4. Cvetanović, A., Banić, B., Popravke kolovoznih konstrukcija, Akademska misao, Beograd, 2011. (Original title)
  5. Mazić, B., Asfaltne kolovozne konstrukcije, Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Sarajevo, 2007 (Original title)
Облици провјере знања и оцјењивање
colloquium 1, colloquium 2, seminar work, final exam
Посебна назнака
Студент је обавезан да похађа наставу и уради и одбрани семинарски рад. Провјере знања током семестра (колоквијуми) се нe понављају. За студента који није присуствовао провјерама знања током семестра или није остварио пролазан резултат (најмање 51 % бодова предвиђених за провјеру знања) ће бити организован писмени испит.