
OA07UP2 - Urban design 2

Course specification
Type of studyBachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course titleUrban design 2
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesESPB
OA07UP2mandatory61П + 3В5.0
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
ConditionОблик условљености
For attending classes. For taking the final exam.The final exam of the Basis of Urbanism 2, Urban Technics and Urban Composition and the pre-examination obligations of Urban Design 1 have been completed for attending classes. For the final exam required are filled with pre-exam obligations for Urban Design 2.
The goal
The main objective of the course is to train students to create development programs for specific urban or rural areas by modern approaches, methods, procedures and techniques of the urban design process. Also, the aim is to introduce students to the complexity of the cities, through the study of urban problems and phenomena with several aspects and at more spatial levels.
The outcome
Training students for creating urban design projects.
Contextualization of urban units and relational connection with the environment. Urban design and/or urban design: new approaches to urban design. Case study from European practice. Strategic urban design. Spatial order and regulation - theoretical and historical framework. Detailed urban regulation in the urban planning process. General rules for urban parceling and regulation. Housing development in the city. Key principles of urban design. Combining different uses and shapes. Central functions in the city: development, classification, structures, types, spatial organization and city center models. Recreational activities and facilities in the urban environment: concept, location and programming criteria, recreational points, networks and types of arrangement. Procedures, principles and elements of urban scenography.
Methods of teaching
Lectures, exercises, workshops, consultations, fieldwork, presentations.
  1. C. Alexander, S. Ishikawa, M. Silverstein. 1977. A Pattern Language: Towns. Buildings. Constuction. New York: Oxford University Press. (Original title)
  2. Urban housing units as a process
  3. Research into the possibility of rehabilitation and upgrade of the urban identity of Banja Luka as a landscape city through urban regulation
  4. Urban Design Compendium
  5. Lazarević Bajec, Nada; Maruna, Marija. 2009. Strateški urbani dizajn i kulturna raznolikost /Strategic Urban Design and Cultural Diversity. Beograd: Arhitektonski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu/ Belgrade: Faculty of Architecture Belgrade. (Original title)
Облици провјере знања и оцјењивање
Activity in lectures and attending classes: 10 points Colloquia: 2 x 10 = 20 points Graphic works: 15 + 15 + 20 = 50 points Final exam: 20 points
Посебна назнака
Предиспитне обавезе студената су изласци на два колоквијума, 80% присуства на предавањима и вјежбама и позитивно оцјењени графички радови. Студенти који добију позитивне оцене на оба колоквијума, ослобођени су полагања завршног испита и број освојених бодова на колоквијумима се преноси у бодове испита. Колоквијуми су обавезна провјера знања. Одсуство са два колоквијума, две негативне оцене на колоквијумима или комбинација, обавезују студента да напише семинарски рад на једну од задатих тема у школској години