
OA07RISN - Development and sociology of the settlement

Course specification
Type of studyBachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course titleDevelopment and sociology of the settlement
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesESPB
OA07RISNmandatory51П + 1В2.0
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
ConditionОблик условљености
No PrerequisitesNo Prerequisites
The goal
To familiarize students with the development process of the formation of cities, from the very beginning the idea of the city in prehistoric times until today. The basic task of teaching is to learn about the phenomenon of the structure of the city, which is viewed within the historical continuity.
The outcome
Ability to form a project task through defining the needs of society. Researching and defining contextual and functional requirements for different types of built environment; Understanding the social context underlying the urban environment, and spatial demands and issues of equality and accessibility. Awareness of relevant codes, regulations and standards in planning and design.
Introduction with an overview of the development process of cities from prehistory to the present; The idea of the city, Prehistory; Geometrization of the elements. Circle and network; Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia; Cities of ancient Greece; Roman Urbanism; Early Middle Ages, Phase of urban dissolution; Cities of the Christian East; Feudalism, the development of the medieval city; Renaissance "Ideal city"; Baroque residency; Rationalism in the cities of Capitalism; Cities in the 19th century, Theory and practice; Reconstruction of the cities;
Methods of teaching
lectures, exercises, consultations, fieldwork
Облици провјере знања и оцјењивање
Attendance 5 points Activity in class 5 points Colloquium 10 points Graphic Study 40 points Exam 40 points
Посебна назнака
Завршни испити су у испитним роковима, у складу са прописима. Студент који неоправдано изостане са наставе више од 20% , за стицање права полагања испита, мора обновити слушање предмета.