
OA07RGN - Revitalization of Architectural Heritage

Course specification
Type of studyBachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course titleRevitalization of Architectural Heritage
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesESPB
OA07RGNmandatory71П + 3В5.0
Lecturer (for classes)
    Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
      ConditionОблик условљености
      History of architecture and settlements 1, History of architecture and settlements 2 and History of architecture and settlements 3, Protection of architectural heritageCompleted pre-examination obligations
      The goal
      The course program includes matтер in the field of revitalization of architectural heritage of importance for education of architects. Introduction students to the basic principles and methodology of revitalization, as well asproblems of technical protection, revitalization, modern construction in historical environments. It should contribute to the basic education of students in this field, necessary for solving project tasks in protected areas.
      The outcome
      Acquired basic knowledge about the principles of revitalization of architectural heritage, problems of technical protection and modern construction in historical environments. Students are trained to solve project tasks in protected historical areas.
      Introductory lecture, Condition of cultural monuments, problems and methods of protection. Basic technical principles protection. Technical protection of cultural goods - methods. Preservation of individual buildings and their protection. Folk architecture, preservation and protection. Integrative protection. Architectural heritage and architectural creators. Revitalization of historic buildings. Possibilities of modern use of historical buildings. Restoration strategy and place of cultural heritage inspatial and urban plans. Protection and restoration of historic urban areas. Urban renewal of cities in the past and attitude towards heritage. Analysis of characteristic examples of valorization and protection of historical urban units in our country and the world. Management of historic cities.
      Methods of teaching
      Classes take place through interactive lectures, fieldwork, active participation in exercises results in the production of graphic works, independent analysis of relevant literature and verbal presentation of graphic works
      1. Neškovic, J, Revitalization of Architectural Heritage, Belgrade, 1985.
      2. Jokileto Y, A History of Architectural Conservation, Oxford 1999. (Original title)
      3. Vučenović S, Architectural and urban conservation, Belgrade 2003.
      Облици провјере знања и оцјењивање
      Course attendance Activity Colloquium / exam Graphic works
      Посебна назнака