
OA07ZGN - Protection of Architectural Heritage

Course specification
Type of studyBachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course titleProtection of Architectural Heritage
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesESPB
OA07ZGNmandatory61П + 1В3.0
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
ConditionОблик условљености
History of architecture and settlements 1, History of architecture and settlements 2 and History of architecture and settlements 3Completed pre-examination obligations
The goal
Introducing students to the basic principles and methodology of protection of architectural heritage. The aim of the course is to acquire knowledge of basic concepts in the field of architectural heritage protection
The outcome
Learning outcomes (acquired knowledge, skills and competencies): Acquired basic knowledge of doctrine, principles, methods of study, protection and renovation of individual buildings and spatial cultural and historical units. That is, acquired knowledge of the architectural heritage as a whole.
Introductory lecture, History, past, heritage. The notion of architectural heritage and cultural property, types of cultural goods in Republic of Srpska. Basic concepts in the field of protection of architectural heritage. The history of the protection of architectural heritage in the world-ancient times. History of protection of architectural heritage in the world-Middle Ages, the relationship between historiography and heritage. History of architectural heritage protection in the world, renaissance. History of protection of architectural heritage in the world, classicism, romanticism. History of protection of architectural heritage in the world, biological protection, active protection. History of architectural heritage protection in the region. Contemporary doctrine and principles of studying and protecting heritage. Legal protection of architectural heritage, international conventions, charters, agendas, recommendations. Study of architectural heritage - methods. Auxiliary disciplines. Types, valorization and categorization of cultural goods.
Methods of teaching
Lectures, exercises, consultations
  1. Nenadović S, Protection of Architectural Heritage, Belgrade, 1980.
  2. Brguljan V, Legal Protection, Belgrade 2000.
  3. Cultural Heritage, Selection of the Most Important Documents of the Council of Europe, Belgrade 2004
  4. Law on Cultural Heritage, Official Gazette of RS 11/95
  5. Jokileto Y, A History of Architectural Conservation, Oxford 1999. (Original title)
Облици провјере знања и оцјењивање
Pre-examination obligations of students are two positively graded colloquia, attendance at exercises and positively graded semester works. Students who receive positive grades in both colloquia are exempted from taking the final exam and the number of points won in the colloquia is transferred to the exam points. Colloquia are a mandatory test of knowledge.
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